@de Boufflers Blog

An open forum about innovation.

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The exercise is obviously perilous because about 230 years separate us from the French Revolution. However, it is very likely that if they were to look at copyright today, De Boufflers, Le Chapelier, Lakanal and the philosophers of the Enlightenment who theorized on the subject in the 18th century would be saddened by the fate...

Stanislas de Boufflers, December 1790   The patent as we know it today is the product of a sinuous history. Although isolated examples of the granting of exclusive rights to inventors can be found as early as antiquity, the emergence of legal protection for inventions is more recent. In France, the first exclusive royal privilege...

On 23 April 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) handed down a particularly enlightening decision on the notions of “shape of the product necessary to obtain the technical result” and “shape which gives substantial value to the product” (1). These are grounds for refusal or invalidity of a three-dimensional trade mark,...