@de Boufflers Blog

An open forum about innovation.

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Stanislas de Boufflers, December 1790   The patent as we know it today is the product of a sinuous history. Although isolated examples of the granting of exclusive rights to inventors can be found as early as antiquity, the emergence of legal protection for inventions is more recent. In France, the first exclusive royal privilege...

Agility has become a new quality expected of legal rules. Reports, opinions and recommendations of all kinds are increasingly establishing agility as a cardinal legal virtue. In its annual study for 2017, the Conseil d’Etat theorizes agility as a legislative method combining flexibility and responsiveness (CE, “Puissance publique et plateformes numériques : accompagner l”ubérisation'”, 2017)....

In a photomontage published on the front page, the magazine Le Point had reproduced the sculpture of the bust of Marianne made by the artist Alain Aslan, with the features of Brigitte Bardot, sinking under the waters with the title “les naufrageurs” and the subtitle “Corporatistes, intouchables, tueurs de réformes, lepéno-cégétistes…. (…) France is sinking...

In France, the first law protecting inventions dates from January 7, 1791. It follows a report by our dear knight Stanislas de Boufflers dated December 30, 1790, entitled “Rapport relatif aux encouragements et aux privilèges à accorder aux inventeurs de machines et de découvertes industrielles” (Archives parlementaires, 1 ère série, t. XXI, p. 721-732 [30...