Although he declared himself against the suspension of intellectual property on April 23, French President Emmanuel Macron made an about-face by pronouncing himself in favour of the waiving of intellectual property on May 6, following the US administration's declaration in the same sense on May 5. These contradictory statements have rekindled the controversy about the lifting of patents, which is a false good idea.

By publishing this Position Paper, the Stanislas de Boufflers Institute would like to bring some clarification to this debate.

The Institute has submitted a report on the transposition of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 (resulting from the Trademarks Package) following the consultation conducted by the French public authorities.

The conference papers of the symposium held at August & Debouzy are published in the March 2019 Industrial Property Review.

The Institute is at the origin of a note of comment concerning the prescription of actions for nullity of industrial property rights rendered in November 2018.

The conference papers of the symposium held at August & Debouzy are published in the June 2018 Industrial Property Review.