@de Boufflers Blog

An open forum about innovation.

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On 23 April 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) handed down a particularly enlightening decision on the notions of “shape of the product necessary to obtain the technical result” and “shape which gives substantial value to the product” (1). These are grounds for refusal or invalidity of a three-dimensional trade mark,...

Current research for COVID-19 treatments is based on known pharmaceutical active ingredients covered by industrial property titles (patents or supplementary protection certificates). These titles confer to their owner an exclusive right of exploitation on the claimed substances. Consequently, the manufacture by third parties of anti-COVID-19 medicinal products which composition would include protected molecules will require...

One day I was painting, black had invaded the whole surface of the canvas, without forms, without contrasts, without transparencies. In that extreme, I saw in a way the negation of black. Pierre Soulage understood that, thrust in its extremities, black can be the price of every temptation. Surely Anish Kapoor had his words in...

The meeting of intellectual property law and enforcement law, i.e. seizures, is surprising. Article R. 241-1 3° of the Code of Civil Enforcement Procedures states that it is the Intellectual Property Code that sets out the rules for seizure of literary, artistic and industrial property rights. However, the Intellectual Property Code does not provide much...

In France, the first law that protects inventions is from January 7, 1791. It follows a report of our dear knight Stanislas de Boufflers dated December 30, 1790 entitled “Report on incentives and privileges to be granted to inventors of machines and industrial discoveries ” (Parliamentary Archives, 1st Series, XXI, pp. 721-732 [December 30, 1790])....